Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Health Industry Scam - I

In a nutshell, the Health Industry Scam works like this: The designers of the ISS have figured out various "building blocks", biological and chemical, that once combined inside the body trigger the expensive illnesses that you need to pay for. These building blocks are distributed inside the foods, air and water that you consume. Individually they appear to be of minor consequence, and difficult to avoid due to the various issues society has to contend with. The industries involved have been manipulated to make it this way. After some time you will consume all the building blocks necessary to get a specific disease. I plan to post these here for you to see. Some of these building blocks are given to you directly by doctors. Most doctors are not aware of this process, so you can't blame them. Many of the treatments they give you, designed solely to treat symptoms, not causes, will simultaneously setup one or more of the final pieces to the puzzle to trigger one of these serious illnesses. Cancer is the big one...

Every single year 2,500,000 Americans die of cancer. It costs an average of $120,000 per person for treatment, and that treatment has a 3% chance for long-term success. My guess is that the odds are higher (for long-term success) if you have no treatment. 2,500,000 times $120,000 equals 300 billion dollars per year. Since the methods employed by MD's are FDA approved, they basically have a license to kill for money. Once the FDA approves something, regardless of how dangerous the side effects, it is legal. Industry articles and reports have been manufactured and/or manipulated, where necessary, to paint an alternate picture of medical science to the doctor. Most doctors believe this alternate picture to be reality, and it does indeed respond to tests as stated. But this alternate picture of medical science leads them down a road with diabolical alternate purpose.

While treating symptoms of AIDS, they give you AIDS. While treating symptoms of cancer, they give you cancer. The building blocks are already in place as they put the final pieces to the puzzle in place to trigger these lethal illnesses. In the "level one realm", most doctors have your best interests at heart as they put all their education and skill to work for your health. Doctors are generally "good intelligent people", who unfortunately trust "the system", a "system" that has woven a diabolical web of alternate purpose to each action, causing "the doctor's good will towards the patient" to ultimately kill the patient for tremendous profit to the ISS.

Meanwhile the crackdown on methods that do work has increased. A new coalition involving the FDA, FTC and several major drug companies has formed to fight "alternative remedies". One example is www.curecancer.com. The owner of that site was selling an herbal remedy known to cure cancer. To date he has cured about 200 people who had cancer so bad that the doctors had given up on them. When the FTC brought him to court to close down his website, he showed the judge the letters from people who were healed. They were not only healed they were very healthy and happy about the results. It wasn't good enough. He had to close down the site anyway. Why? The technical reason is that he had to first substantiate his claims, and that meant going through a process that required recognition by "credible people within the medical industry" regarding why and how it works. The fact it does work is not enough to make it legal. However, once the how and why are spelled out and recorded by these "credible people", regardless of whether or not it really works, and regardless of the consequences to that method, it is then stamped legal by our system.

A good puzzle solver, who is also meticulous with their wording and research, and a bit dishonest, can accomplish the same result with just about any claim. For example, it is common for a doctor to say that chiropractors don't actually accomplish anything good by manipulating the bones, because the bones are not really "out of place". They say that if a vertebra were actually "out" it would be a very bad thing. This line of reasoning caught on with doctors everywhere, probably due to some article in their medical journals, which was written to sound rational, and written by one of these "credible people" through which we apparently need to substantiate our claims. And so the truth is never investigated because the medical report sounds too reasonable to bother with science. In the same way most of these medical experts will rationalize away an alternative treatment because it sounds too weird to possibly be true. Admittedly, some of the alternative treatments out there really do sound weird. But "weird" and "false" is not the same thing. And so doctors continue to repeat what they read in their journals as though it is fact, believing that science put them where they are. If we're cracking down on alternative remedies, then we also need to crack down on the medical establishment. The process for legal substantiation needs to be reestablished as that of pure science, not forced science. And it needs to be unbiased and open to all parties. Unfortunately legal substantiation appears to have less to do with fact, and more to do with perceived fact as represented by authority. A perspective and an authority, which have both been manipulated.

The damage caused by operations is often not reversible. And the potential risk is great. Something needs to be done to make it easier for the ordinary person to know when an operation is really necessary. You may believe your doctor's intensions, and his intensions may be good ones, but that doesn't mean it is the right thing. Education, intelligence and good intension does not necessarily add up to the best advice available.


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