Delusional Slave Test
A "delusional slave" is someone who is enslaved without knowing it. This kind of delusion results from automatically altered perspectives. Inside the human brain is an unconscious mind that can be programmed, just like a computer, to trigger thoughts and feelings automatically. The unconscious mind controls perspective templates (filters to what you think, feel and see) and it controls the willpower that you need to act on a decision. This unconscious mind is easily programmed by an outside source. The perspectives and decisions that you experience will feel like they were born from your own free will, they will feel right, and they will "feel logical". However, unless you systematically identify and remove your inadvertent assumptions, someone else controls most of this activity.
Those unconscious triggers are all caused by two things:
Assumptions. These assumptions are created and reinforced by stereotypes, generalizations, rules and principles. Any visualization or representation that has a loophole. This process adds to the structure of your unconscious mind.
Intent. Intent (willpower) fuels the unconscious mind, activating its triggers wherever a real-time thought or experience automatically associates with an unconscious mechanism. This is a domino affect resulting in numerous triggers all going off at once to complete your "experience of reality" and your "experience of free will thought".
So by turning off either one they go away. When your unconscious mind goes away you become conscious. This is key. But to get there you have to stop all the intent from its usual flow. I will get into this some other time, probably after I've mastered it myself.
You can also turn it off by not creating any assumptions. I used to think I was the most logical person on the planet, until I really took a good look at this and realized how illogical I was - and that I was compulsively illogical. It is hard to see this on the surface because on the surface we are steered by our feelings to believe we are being logical. It is a good idea to replay your thoughts and conclusions about your experiences in life to see how they look - ask yourself how clearly you defined your conclusions, and whether they were really correct. Do it from a 3rd person perspective. This is the only way to really see what's happening in your mind. It is clear to me that someone who is careful about their own conclusions about things will be more conscious, more free, and more Human.
Now for the scary part. The unconscious mind is programmable - but you are not always the programmer. Since it is created and maintained by subtle unobvious leveraged indirections it is easily programmed by someone on the outside by influencing those subtleties. There are thousands of ways in which someone can influence these subtleties without you realizing what is really going on. I like to look for this in political speaches - it is there and it appears to be intensional.
A Simple Test to See If You Are a Delusional Slave (check the most correct answer):
Do we pay bank fees on monetary transactions because of:
___bank overhead, ___laws that protect us, ___laws that control us?
How similar are "scientific proof" and "legal proof"?
___mutually exclusive, ___almost mutually exclusive, ___mostly overlap, ___identical.
How much of an average U.S. workday goes to pay for government?
___20%, ___40%, ___60%, ___80%
If your monthly bills amounted to: a $600/month payment on a 30 year mortgage, credit card payments totaling $250/month, utility bills of $70/month, and phone bills of $250/month, what percentage of your monthly bills are actually going towards the cost of goods sold and services rendered?
___25%, ___35%, ___45%, ___55%, ___65%
Once an American Citizen settles all taxes and debts in the U.S. is he/she then free to leave the U.S. and become a citizen to a different country without owing the U.S. another dime?
___yes, ___no, ___only some small fees
Does the U.S. Government pass laws that are against the will of the people?
____yes, ____no.
***** ***** *****
Ready for the answers?
Do we pay bank fees on monetary transactions because of
___bank overhead, ___laws that protect us, _X_laws that control us?
Bank fees directly pay bank overhead. However, without laws that control us the cost of banking would drop to practically nothing, thereby eliminating the need for bank fees. The FDIC requires identification of all parties involved in any bank transaction. This is the root cause for the fees. The need for identification is created by cyclic logic: We think we need individual identification to protect from fraud, yet identification is fallable, thereby making fraud possible. If banking were based on anonymous accounts with foolproof encrypted password technology (this can be done) then there would be no more fraud, and therefore no more cost to manage it. And it would make possible true realtime banking (since your bank no longer has to wait for the FDIC to clear your checks), and this of course means that overdrafts are impossible (since a purchase cannot be made untill the funds transfer). There are many other benefits to this idea as well. However, it would also mean that the FDIC cannot watch your transactions, a necessary part of taxation enforcement. So this brings out the real issue for why we are tracked and identified - to protect taxes, not us.
How similar is "scientific proof" and "legal proof"?
___mutually exclusive, _X_almost mutually exclusive, ___mostly overlap, ___identical.
In a court room, scientific proof rarely ever decides the case, even though it may appear to. Scientific evidence often enters the courtroom. However, such evidence is "weighed" by human judgement. The more concrete sounding the evidence the more easily a mistake or deception can go unnoticed. Lawyers often use the term "forensics" to convince the jury that the case has already been proven. Forensics make it much easier to frame someone for a crime. It is so easy for the jury to believe that whoever's hair or blood is at the scene of the crime commited the crime. A good lawyer is good at deception and is attempting to win the case regardless of the truth, especially when the pay is good. In the end, it was human judgement that decided that the facts proved the case. Science only proves a piece or two of the puzzle, not the whole thing.
How much of an average U.S. workday goes to pay for government?
___20%, ___40%, ___60%, _X_80%
The I.R.S. directly takes around 35% of your income. Then on products and services you spend your money on, figure in sales taxes and the markup necessary to cover additional government costs, such as property taxes, licenses, permits, and payroll taxes. Then compound all of these including the income tax, at every level of our economy. In general this increases the cost of the goods we buy by about 55%. Then figure in the cost of meeting our government mandated obligations (fees indirectly resulting from government): CPA's and bookkeepers to handle the 10,000 pages of I.R.S. tax code, lawyers and contractors to deal with building codes and city ordinances, bankers, consultants, data processing costs, and time for corporate executives to deal with all of it. And again compound this at every level of our economy. Add about 15% to the cost of the goods we buy. (100% of your money - 35% for IRS) * (100% of what you spend your money on - 55% in compounded government fees - 15% in compounded indirect government fees) = 20% left over after government = 80% of your money goes to government
If your monthly bills amounted to: a $600/month payment on a 30 year mortgage, credit card payments totalling $250/month, utility bills of $70/month, and phone bills of $250/month, what percentage of your monthly bills are actually going towards the cost of goods sold and services rendered?
_X_25%, ___35%, ___45%, ___55%, ___65%
35% of a 30 year mortgage goes towards the principal of which 90% goes towards the price, 30% of an average $250 credit card payment goes towards the principal of which about 40% goes towards the cost of goods, and approximately 30% of the utility and phone bills goes towards the actual cost of those services. So: .35*.90*600/1170 + .30*.40*250/1170 + .30*(250+70)/1170 = .25 (approximately)
Once an American Citizen settles all taxes and debts in the U.S. is he/she then free to leave the U.S. and become a citizen to a different country without owing the U.S. another dime?
___yes, _X_no, ___only some small fees
U.S. law states that a citizen of the U.S. will continue to owe the I.R.S. income taxes on the next 10 years of income after canceling their citizenship and leaving the country.
Does the U.S. Government pass laws that are against the will of the people?
_X_yes, ____no
The will of the people is focused enough to alter the course of law in areas where the situation is highly visible to the public, the facts are well understood and a majority is in agreement. In all other areas laws may be passed which are not favorable to U.S. Citizens. Several examples: KYC laws (banking laws that require your banker to pry into your personal business and report any transaction you make that does not fit your recorded profile, and to research and report all of your personal affiliations), CESA 99 , bio-testing laws (the defense department can legally experiment on U.S. citizens without them knowing it).
To sum it all up, we are told we are paying 35% taxes when we are really paying 80%. Then only 25% of the remainder directly pays for the goods and services you buy. That's 5% efficiency for the work you do. Where does the other 95% go? The ISS? If you want to fight this you will be prosecuted in a court where your fate is determined by the judgement of people who believe in the system. Then if you want to leave they will nab another 10 years of taxes from you on the way out. Did you realize this? Did you agree to this? Did you willfully sign a contract to be bound by these rules? Still think you are free?
Some of this may be new to you, some may not. Or you may not believe it at all. If you think my figures are wrong then please spell out your figures, I will gladly correct any errors. The way I see it almost all personal and work activities are externally manipulated for external gain (by someone/thing else - for someone/thing else), through unconscious illusions and deceptions. Some people are fortunate enough to benefit in a real way from their efforts. However, most are working towards goals they do not know how to reach. Even the goals themselves have been manipulated.
Those unconscious triggers are all caused by two things:
Assumptions. These assumptions are created and reinforced by stereotypes, generalizations, rules and principles. Any visualization or representation that has a loophole. This process adds to the structure of your unconscious mind.
Intent. Intent (willpower) fuels the unconscious mind, activating its triggers wherever a real-time thought or experience automatically associates with an unconscious mechanism. This is a domino affect resulting in numerous triggers all going off at once to complete your "experience of reality" and your "experience of free will thought".
So by turning off either one they go away. When your unconscious mind goes away you become conscious. This is key. But to get there you have to stop all the intent from its usual flow. I will get into this some other time, probably after I've mastered it myself.
You can also turn it off by not creating any assumptions. I used to think I was the most logical person on the planet, until I really took a good look at this and realized how illogical I was - and that I was compulsively illogical. It is hard to see this on the surface because on the surface we are steered by our feelings to believe we are being logical. It is a good idea to replay your thoughts and conclusions about your experiences in life to see how they look - ask yourself how clearly you defined your conclusions, and whether they were really correct. Do it from a 3rd person perspective. This is the only way to really see what's happening in your mind. It is clear to me that someone who is careful about their own conclusions about things will be more conscious, more free, and more Human.
Now for the scary part. The unconscious mind is programmable - but you are not always the programmer. Since it is created and maintained by subtle unobvious leveraged indirections it is easily programmed by someone on the outside by influencing those subtleties. There are thousands of ways in which someone can influence these subtleties without you realizing what is really going on. I like to look for this in political speaches - it is there and it appears to be intensional.
A Simple Test to See If You Are a Delusional Slave (check the most correct answer):
Do we pay bank fees on monetary transactions because of:
___bank overhead, ___laws that protect us, ___laws that control us?
How similar are "scientific proof" and "legal proof"?
___mutually exclusive, ___almost mutually exclusive, ___mostly overlap, ___identical.
How much of an average U.S. workday goes to pay for government?
___20%, ___40%, ___60%, ___80%
If your monthly bills amounted to: a $600/month payment on a 30 year mortgage, credit card payments totaling $250/month, utility bills of $70/month, and phone bills of $250/month, what percentage of your monthly bills are actually going towards the cost of goods sold and services rendered?
___25%, ___35%, ___45%, ___55%, ___65%
Once an American Citizen settles all taxes and debts in the U.S. is he/she then free to leave the U.S. and become a citizen to a different country without owing the U.S. another dime?
___yes, ___no, ___only some small fees
Does the U.S. Government pass laws that are against the will of the people?
____yes, ____no.
***** ***** *****
Ready for the answers?
Do we pay bank fees on monetary transactions because of
___bank overhead, ___laws that protect us, _X_laws that control us?
Bank fees directly pay bank overhead. However, without laws that control us the cost of banking would drop to practically nothing, thereby eliminating the need for bank fees. The FDIC requires identification of all parties involved in any bank transaction. This is the root cause for the fees. The need for identification is created by cyclic logic: We think we need individual identification to protect from fraud, yet identification is fallable, thereby making fraud possible. If banking were based on anonymous accounts with foolproof encrypted password technology (this can be done) then there would be no more fraud, and therefore no more cost to manage it. And it would make possible true realtime banking (since your bank no longer has to wait for the FDIC to clear your checks), and this of course means that overdrafts are impossible (since a purchase cannot be made untill the funds transfer). There are many other benefits to this idea as well. However, it would also mean that the FDIC cannot watch your transactions, a necessary part of taxation enforcement. So this brings out the real issue for why we are tracked and identified - to protect taxes, not us.
How similar is "scientific proof" and "legal proof"?
___mutually exclusive, _X_almost mutually exclusive, ___mostly overlap, ___identical.
In a court room, scientific proof rarely ever decides the case, even though it may appear to. Scientific evidence often enters the courtroom. However, such evidence is "weighed" by human judgement. The more concrete sounding the evidence the more easily a mistake or deception can go unnoticed. Lawyers often use the term "forensics" to convince the jury that the case has already been proven. Forensics make it much easier to frame someone for a crime. It is so easy for the jury to believe that whoever's hair or blood is at the scene of the crime commited the crime. A good lawyer is good at deception and is attempting to win the case regardless of the truth, especially when the pay is good. In the end, it was human judgement that decided that the facts proved the case. Science only proves a piece or two of the puzzle, not the whole thing.
How much of an average U.S. workday goes to pay for government?
___20%, ___40%, ___60%, _X_80%
The I.R.S. directly takes around 35% of your income. Then on products and services you spend your money on, figure in sales taxes and the markup necessary to cover additional government costs, such as property taxes, licenses, permits, and payroll taxes. Then compound all of these including the income tax, at every level of our economy. In general this increases the cost of the goods we buy by about 55%. Then figure in the cost of meeting our government mandated obligations (fees indirectly resulting from government): CPA's and bookkeepers to handle the 10,000 pages of I.R.S. tax code, lawyers and contractors to deal with building codes and city ordinances, bankers, consultants, data processing costs, and time for corporate executives to deal with all of it. And again compound this at every level of our economy. Add about 15% to the cost of the goods we buy. (100% of your money - 35% for IRS) * (100% of what you spend your money on - 55% in compounded government fees - 15% in compounded indirect government fees) = 20% left over after government = 80% of your money goes to government
If your monthly bills amounted to: a $600/month payment on a 30 year mortgage, credit card payments totalling $250/month, utility bills of $70/month, and phone bills of $250/month, what percentage of your monthly bills are actually going towards the cost of goods sold and services rendered?
_X_25%, ___35%, ___45%, ___55%, ___65%
35% of a 30 year mortgage goes towards the principal of which 90% goes towards the price, 30% of an average $250 credit card payment goes towards the principal of which about 40% goes towards the cost of goods, and approximately 30% of the utility and phone bills goes towards the actual cost of those services. So: .35*.90*600/1170 + .30*.40*250/1170 + .30*(250+70)/1170 = .25 (approximately)
Once an American Citizen settles all taxes and debts in the U.S. is he/she then free to leave the U.S. and become a citizen to a different country without owing the U.S. another dime?
___yes, _X_no, ___only some small fees
U.S. law states that a citizen of the U.S. will continue to owe the I.R.S. income taxes on the next 10 years of income after canceling their citizenship and leaving the country.
Does the U.S. Government pass laws that are against the will of the people?
_X_yes, ____no
The will of the people is focused enough to alter the course of law in areas where the situation is highly visible to the public, the facts are well understood and a majority is in agreement. In all other areas laws may be passed which are not favorable to U.S. Citizens. Several examples: KYC laws (banking laws that require your banker to pry into your personal business and report any transaction you make that does not fit your recorded profile, and to research and report all of your personal affiliations), CESA 99 , bio-testing laws (the defense department can legally experiment on U.S. citizens without them knowing it).
To sum it all up, we are told we are paying 35% taxes when we are really paying 80%. Then only 25% of the remainder directly pays for the goods and services you buy. That's 5% efficiency for the work you do. Where does the other 95% go? The ISS? If you want to fight this you will be prosecuted in a court where your fate is determined by the judgement of people who believe in the system. Then if you want to leave they will nab another 10 years of taxes from you on the way out. Did you realize this? Did you agree to this? Did you willfully sign a contract to be bound by these rules? Still think you are free?
Some of this may be new to you, some may not. Or you may not believe it at all. If you think my figures are wrong then please spell out your figures, I will gladly correct any errors. The way I see it almost all personal and work activities are externally manipulated for external gain (by someone/thing else - for someone/thing else), through unconscious illusions and deceptions. Some people are fortunate enough to benefit in a real way from their efforts. However, most are working towards goals they do not know how to reach. Even the goals themselves have been manipulated.