Monday, August 01, 2005

The Health Industry Scam - II

Operations pose many risks. Bacteria and viruses can survive inside the pores in metal surgical tools, even through almost all sterilization methods. When you receive surgery you are at a very high risk of receiving some new disease you didn't have before. 'Clean' ER Workers' Clothing Spreads Germs. If you receive a cancer operation for one cancer in your body, you can then bet that several new cancers will form within the next five years. Or if you don't have cancer and go in for an operation for something else, you are very likely to then get cancer within the next five years. These statistics are not promoted as they should be. You have to dig for them. Right now my information is based on individuals I know who have had such experiences, and a few other sources will have reports along these lines. Hundreds of thousands of Americans per year die from being given the wrong medication or treatment, and even more die as a result of the rigged cancer industry.

I'm not saying doctors are dishonest, although I'm sure there are some. I'm saying their perspectives are influenced by the same mind control techniques used on everyone else. And this has resulted in an industry that is barbaric and costly to the public, both in lives and in finances. is a professional effort to identify and explain quack remedies in the health care industry. Although many highly intelligent and educated people have contributed to the content of this site, the entire site seems to be heavily biased in forming the opinion that all alternative remedies are quacks. They do not say this straight out but the stereotypes easily develop from attitudes, which are apparent throughout their pages. The subtlety of attitude is a real issue because it effectively creates bias in the reader.

I will have to agree with almost all of their points, including the fact that most alternative remedies appear to be based on nonsense, and the fact that most proponents of alternative remedies are not interested in nor capable of finding scientific proof. But I would rather not add to this fact an emotional bias against the possibility that some of these actually work. Having not achieved legal substantiation for a claim doesn't mean the claim is not true. And having achieved legal substantiation for a claim doesn't mean the claim really is true. It is very easy to manipulate the representation of statistical reports and rational sounding concepts to steer otherwise very smart people in an entire industry towards specific biases. The entire medical industry can easily be fooled using mind control techniques.

What about all the quacks in the mainstream medical industry? Those with degrees and awards on their walls who drill out cavities that don't exist, fill them with an amalgam that causes poisonous chemicals to enter the blood stream. What about the doctors who operate on someone who doesn't need an operation? Or prescribe a potentially dangerous drug when an improved diet is the much better choice? Here you will find the quacks that are supported by the system, rather than opposed by the system. Why the difference? Is our "system" ignorant? Or is the ISS simply selecting what makes more sense to its bottom line dollar and continued control?

A large portion of the income in the medical profession, possibly between 70% and 90%, is dependent on mistreatment and over treatment. Many chiropractors and other health professionals are guilty of this as well. There are two levels of speculation: diagnosis and treatment. These two levels compound each other to create the mistreatment. Sometimes it is 100% clear what the issue is but most of the time it is a human judgment based on statistical facts and industry-accepted recommendations (FDA, journals of medicine, etc.). Anytime there is a medical diagnosis it is biased towards industry standard practice, or by-the-book practice. That is because it clears their case in liability suits. Unfortunately special interest institutions heavily influence these industry standard practices. FDA routinely approves dangerous drugs while attacking the safer remedies. Mistreatment is promoted by primitive information systems, the FDA, FTC, corporate profits, special interest groups, law, and insurance. While over treatment the physician trying to earn a living promotes. Cleaning up the mistreatment and over treatment will substantially reduce their income (by about 70% to 90%).

One of the biggest things to help straighten this out will be the new health scan (once everyone starts using it). That will shed light on one of the two areas of speculation: diagnosis. Since the two areas of speculation compound each other this health scan will significantly improve health and reduce health cost by showing people problems long before they become expensive to treat. It is obvious to me why so many articles are slamming the new health scan. It threatens to cut in half the income produced by the medical industry. Doctors use very powerful drugs to treat things according to what the statistics say the symptoms point to. That is speculation. This new health scan makes most problems visible, thereby greatly reducing the need for speculation. Watch out for the wrong technology - go here for the original.


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