Inadvertent Assumption
It is so easy to incorrectly represent valuable insights and knowledge. The side effect to this is inadvertent assumption. You'll find these everywhere once you start looking. Each inadvertent assumption is a piece to the puzzle of your unconscious mind. In this mode they operate automatically, while grouped together by association, to cause psychological walls and automatic triggers. Those walls and triggers control your perspectives, emotions and intelligence. I consider their discovery and elimination the most valuable thing I can do with my conscious mind. Using as few of these inadvertent assumptions as possible, I attempt to come up with opinions and theories that are closer to the truth.
In order to be correct, or to progressively become more correct, you must be willing to question what you think you already know. If you are unwilling to question something, then most likely you are being controlled through that concept.
Visualize any concept. Then look at that concept from a 3rd person point of view. Relax your emotions while you search for all the false assumptions. Otherwise you may not see them. Look for the biases, the unsubstantiated conclusions, the over generalizations, and the parts that depend on something else altogether. If you do this honestly, looking at everything, then you will find these inadvertent assumptions all throughout your mind.
Whenever a way of looking at something is fed to you, usually along with images and/or a story, you are then likely to accept into your mind imprinted visualization about what you saw. This happens all the time, day after day. Especially for those who watch a lot of TV, read a lot, or interact with strong social circles. These sources can be used as a carrier for preprogrammed inadvertent assumptions.
These preprogrammed inadvertent assumptions automatically assemble together inside your unconscious mind, connecting with the rest of the programming from your full unconscious database of inadvertent assumptions. They are assembled by association, as each concept reference point is used to connect them. This then forms a program code for your unconscious mind to follow, just like a computer, as it generates the psychological walls and triggers that control your perspectives, emotions and objectivity. This is how they program your mind to fulfill their agendas.
Some good examples of this can be found at Deception By Language: Creating Stereotypes And Destroying Meaning. Thousands of these inadvertent assumptions from your past and present combine automatically to transplant your awareness into an arena where your "free will" thought is acting on things that don't make a difference, except to further enslave you.
Are you a free thinker? Or are your views and perceptions programmed by an outside source? I don't expect you to consider what I say as fact. This would be dangerous because it creates a direct route to your unconscious mind. The purpose of this discussion is to convince you of the plausibility of what I'm saying. Once you agree that it is plausible, your mind will then be "configured" to observe the facts for yourself as they occur in your own life.
In order to be correct, or to progressively become more correct, you must be willing to question what you think you already know. If you are unwilling to question something, then most likely you are being controlled through that concept.
Visualize any concept. Then look at that concept from a 3rd person point of view. Relax your emotions while you search for all the false assumptions. Otherwise you may not see them. Look for the biases, the unsubstantiated conclusions, the over generalizations, and the parts that depend on something else altogether. If you do this honestly, looking at everything, then you will find these inadvertent assumptions all throughout your mind.
Whenever a way of looking at something is fed to you, usually along with images and/or a story, you are then likely to accept into your mind imprinted visualization about what you saw. This happens all the time, day after day. Especially for those who watch a lot of TV, read a lot, or interact with strong social circles. These sources can be used as a carrier for preprogrammed inadvertent assumptions.
These preprogrammed inadvertent assumptions automatically assemble together inside your unconscious mind, connecting with the rest of the programming from your full unconscious database of inadvertent assumptions. They are assembled by association, as each concept reference point is used to connect them. This then forms a program code for your unconscious mind to follow, just like a computer, as it generates the psychological walls and triggers that control your perspectives, emotions and objectivity. This is how they program your mind to fulfill their agendas.
Some good examples of this can be found at Deception By Language: Creating Stereotypes And Destroying Meaning. Thousands of these inadvertent assumptions from your past and present combine automatically to transplant your awareness into an arena where your "free will" thought is acting on things that don't make a difference, except to further enslave you.
Are you a free thinker? Or are your views and perceptions programmed by an outside source? I don't expect you to consider what I say as fact. This would be dangerous because it creates a direct route to your unconscious mind. The purpose of this discussion is to convince you of the plausibility of what I'm saying. Once you agree that it is plausible, your mind will then be "configured" to observe the facts for yourself as they occur in your own life.