Sunday, April 10, 2005

Invisible Slavery System - VIII

Optimal information technology is the real solution to all the world's problems, and it will also help us to escape from the ISS. I envision a technology that automatically generates collective Utilitarian solutions for genuine global issues, while supporting a Libertarian way of life. A technology that facilitates the individual rather than controls the masses. A technology that defends the individual against corruption, oppression and tyranny. A technology that is fair to everyone, protecting both physical and intellectual property without the need for law, and making everything of value to the individual visible to the individual. This new technology promises a future where the average cost of living is below two work hours per day, per person. A future where poverty and sickness is almost non-existent, where problems of pollution and global warming are solved, and where war is a thing of the past. Law hierarchies, war machines, politics, and track & identify systems will no longer be needed to solve these problems.

The concept of a collective can apply to other types of systems, not just political/social systems. Since poisoned thought has been instilled in us for thousands of years everything we build and do reflects it. This means the products we buy are handicapped by it, and the systems we live by limit us as a result of it. Possibly the most significant effect it has on society is to limit what the human mind is capable of. In my opinion this is why our minds operate in a mostly delusional state, our computers are extremely inefficient and error prone, our society cheats us, we continuously poison our bodies, we serve as delusional slaves (slaves that don't know they're slaves), our leaders take us to war, and our doctors kill us. Once we cure ourselves of this poisoned thought our minds will then become more aware and more intelligent. Our computers will run thousands of times faster and better, and without the need for a gigantic support industry to keep them running. We will no longer have the need to poison our bodies by eating decayed, processed, and drugged foods. We will no longer work for a society that robs 95% of what we do. The need for war will disappear. And the entire medical industry will work towards the good of the patient, not rob him blind and kill him (as a result of the invisible puzzles placed in the medical industry by the "very few very powerful" ruling class).

Poisoned thought is involved in every system around you, your work, your computer, your government, and the products you buy - almost all are designed to control you through deniable lines of function. If poisoned thought were removed from these things life would improve significantly.

This variation to the Libertarian Philosophy depends on future information technologies to work. The design to this futuristic technology is the ultimate puzzle. Once developed it will be the most monumental achievement of mankind, past, present, and possibly future. And once it matures, there will be no more invisible puzzles.